To clarify some customer concerns regarding AnyTone radio Band Modes, we would like to explain with a bit more detail. The AnyTone radios are capable of many different Band Modes. Legally only two Band Mode versions can be imported and sold; one with FCC Part 97 Amateur Bands and a second Commercial FCC Part 90 version that has only commercial frequencies and no amateur frequencies. The radios are Part 97 compliant and Part 90 certified.
While the AnyTone radios may be capable of GMRS /FRS / Fire frequencies by a Band Mode change they are not type certified so it is not legal per the FCC to use the radio to Transmit on GMRS, FRS and other frequencies,
This is not a lack of feature availability in the radio, it is an illegal act to do so per FCC rules, meaning it can be physically done but cannot be legally done. The programming software creates the radio code plug that you can write to the radio. The Model tool in the CPS can be used to identify or change the Band Mode of only the code plug in the CPS code plug to a different Band Mode. When you reset the Band Mode or Model in the CPS, all code plug data will be lost.
Changing the Band Mode in the CPS does not change the Band Mode in the radio.
Per Bridgecom policy, we will not provide information on doing any out of Amateur Band or non Part 90 Commercial band changes.
Legitimate Commercial Users or users with special frequency authorization can provide valid evidence, (copies of Part 90 License or Fire Department identification, etc.) and we can work to resolve these specific issues.